2nd Annual Wesley Heal the Sick Health Minister Gathering
Friday, June 7, 2024 - Saturday, June 8, 2024
Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC
- This gathering will bring together Health Minister and Faith Community Nurse graduates and Heal the Sick program partners together. The gathering offers both educational and networking opportunities available for attendees over the two days.
Health Minister’s Advanced Leadership Training (Friday morning to Friday afternoon):
- The interactive and participatory Advanced Leadership Workshops helps health ministers to identify and address various challenges they face in implementing health ministry. The workshop will offer new and creative ways to improve health ministry practice.
Health Minister General Gathering (Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon):
- Present latest research and findings on health ministry to help health ministers know the current context and challenges facing the ministry
- Create a trusting and collegial environment for Health Ministers (local and national) to connect with each other in-person to build personal and professional relationships and networks
- Support health ministers with ongoing spiritual formation and self-care so they can sustain themselves and others involved in whole person health ministries.
- Affirm the spiritual role, gifts, and talents of health ministers in a Health Minister Commissioning service for recent Health Minister Certificate graduates. Family, friends, and faith leaders who support health ministers are invited to attend the Commissioning service.
Attendance Fees
- Advanced Leadership Training for Health Ministers - 4 hrs. (Friday morning to Friday afternoon, June 7, 2024) – Cost $80
- General Attendance for Gathering (Friday afternoon, June 7 - Saturday afternoon, June 8, 2024) – Cost $110
- Advanced Leadership Training AND General Attendance (Both) – Cost $190
- Single Day Attendance - Saturday, June 8, 2024 (Saturday morning workshops & Saturday afternoon Health Minister Commissioning)- Cost $80
- Current Wesley Degree Student (Entire Conference) $80
- Registration for Health Minister Commissioning Service ONLY (Saturday afternoon) $0