Nila Curry (M.Div., MTS)
Ntozake Shange said, “I found God in myself...and I loved her. I loved her fiercely.” Who would’ve thought God could be so beautiful, Black, and feminine? This laborious yet metamorphic journey, namely Wesley Theological Seminary, has equipped me with the knowledge and skills to re-envision God and self. Contrary to the white bearded and regally-perched image of God — God exists in solidarity with “the least of these” and resides in our laughter, tears, and struggle. As co-creators, God is with us...closer than skin and bone. Who would’ve thought ministry could be so out-of-the-box? These four years at Wesley have helped me to see ministry in a new light. Ministry, for me, is bearing the image of Christ through soul justice and social justice work. It is not confined to church walls but is ever-current, anti-individualistic, contextually-fluid, and Christ-centered. It helps us fulfill our callings or “the work that our souls must have,” as Dr. Katie Cannon would say.
After graduation, my plans include health and wholeness ministry, applying for Ph.D. programs, and continuing the track for ordination in The United Methodist Church as an elder.