Blackboard Policies
Courses are created the semester prior to the course start date.
Courses are created automatically in Blackboard. All course information comes from WesleyWeb. All courses listed in WesleyWeb have a corresponding Blackboard Course.
ALL Courses are closed two months after the course ends. Please be sure to save materials you want during the course.
Due to limited space, courses are kept on Blackboard for two years. Courses are removed two years after the course's end date. The deletion schedule correlates with the course creation schedule.
All students who have registered for a course in WesleyWeb are automatically enrolled in the respective Blackboard course automatically. This process can take up to 24 hours.
Students are not removed from Blackboard courses. After the add/drop period each semester, instructors must review their course roster on WesleyWeb and remove all dropped students in Blackboard.