Day 20 - March 8
Rev. Dr. Louis J. Hutchinson, III
Community Connections: |
WTS Board Member 2018-current; WTS MDiv 2008, DMin 2012; Metropolitan Baptist Church, Upper Marlboro, MD |
Morning Theme Song: |
CeCe Winans, Never Lost |
Light Up the Darkness ~ John 1:1-5
COVID-19, Racism & Hate, Abject Poverty & Food Insecurity, Global Warming, Apathy in the Church
John 1, verse 1, states, ‘In the beginning.’ In the beginning establishes the cornerstone. In the beginning predates time and substance and thought. In the beginning predates everything except for God.
For, in the beginning, outside of God was the nihil negativum, there was utter darkness upon which hope and love and joy and fairness and freedom could not be conceived. There was matter-less nothingness, a chaotic stagnation beyond loss, or fear, or sickness, or terror, or the impossible, or hunger, or hate, or uncertainty, or judgment or even death.
In the beginning at the point of our creation, God, the unity of the triunity of light makes an imperative that we be the Imago Dei, that we operate and exist in the image of the Almighty God.
God makes it an imperative that whatever we do or face, whatever psycho-spiritual challenge comes our way, whatever iniquity befalls us, that the very FIRST thing we do is let there be light.
When we awake, when we sleep, when we cry, when we laugh, when we think. When we speak, the FIRST thing we do in everything, is let there be light.
And God doesn’t stop there; when we finally have a mindset to let there be light, God takes us further …… He stretches us beyond fleshly capacity, He establishes situations and circumstances to guide us to have absolute faith and dependence, and then He breaks us down and He makes it a requirement that WE BE THE LIGHT.
Reflection: It is your time to replace. Is your daily contribution to the human condition a part of the light or a part of the darkness?