Wesley Theological Seminary reopened August 2021, and now offers a range of ways you can study at Wesley - in person, online or in a hybrid format, with both online and in-person sessions.
We are currently accepting applications for Master of Divinity, Master of Theological Study and Master of Arts programs, as well as our Doctor of Ministry degree programs. Registration for J-Term (January 2022's 1-2 week intensive online classes term) will open October 18.
Learn more and apply by going to https://www.wesleyseminary.edu/admissions/try-a-class-2/
For more information about any of Wesley's programs, contact Admissions at (202) 885-8659 or admissions@wesleyseminary.edu or chat with our Admissions staff via UChat on the Wesley website homepage, wesleyseminary.edu.
Faces of Wesley is a weekly profile of one of the members of our Wesley Community - faculty, students, alumni, staff, administration and other friends of Wesley. You can read it weekly on our Facebook or Instagram platforms or on our website's home page.