Mission & Method
The mission of the Writing Center is to equip Wesley seminarians for the rigors of critical thinking, active reading, and expository writing for theological education and ministry publication. In collaboration with Wesley faculty across the curriculum, our goal is to develop writers to succeed in courses, publish in the academy, in parish ministry, and as public theologians.
Director of the Writing Center | Adjunct Faculty
Rev. Dr. Raedorah C. Stewart is the Director of the Writing Center, Adjunct Professor, and former DEI Officer. Stewart executes her passion for Gospel messaging and writing acumen as an academic
editor and author of peer-reviewed articles within the religious academy. This energy is evident in her support of seminarians throughout our local and global academic consortium on the rigors of critical thinking, analytical reading, and expository writing for theological studies and marketplace ministry. [more]
Check your Wesley email for instructions to access your FREE subscription to Grammarly Academic! This app is most valuable when you self-edit drafts and final copies. It suggests corrections for common grammatical and style errors. If you do not see a welcome email (be sure to check your Spam folder, first), request a link from your Wesley student email to EdTech@wesleyseminary.edu.
FALL: IS-114-VT: "Academic Writing for Seminarians" Develops critical thinking, active reading, and academic writing style.
Note: Credit or Audit.
SPRING: IS-218--VIRTUAL "Writing for Ministry" This is an elective creative writing course to produce a portfolio of theological and spiritual content for publication.
Masters Thesis Mentoring:
For Graduating MTS Students Only
Plan, Organize, Complete | Jan-March
90-minutes 1-on-1 coaching to completion with the Director of the Writing Center. Make Appointment: Thursdays between 9a-7:30p.
Fall and Spring | TBD | Online Webinars
OPEN TO ALL Wesley students through Blackboard Community. The scope, content, and number of workshops are being revamped to accommodate reentry to campus life after this season of COVID-19. In the meantime, #stayhome #sanitize #savelives!
- ZOOM-in Wednesdays: 10a-3p
- Email: writingcenter@wesleyseminary.edu
- Online Tools: Writer's Swag Bag
Meet with the Director of the Writing Center, Tuesdays and Thursdays, morning and afternoon hours available:
- ZOOM-in Wednesdays | 10a to 3p
- Email your paper 12 hours before your meeting from your Wesley email as an attachment in .doc or .docx to writingcenter@wesleyseminary.edu.
Request content and style review by email without a virtual meeting:
- Email your paper from your Wesley account as an attachment in .doc or .docx to writingcenter@wesleyseminary.edu.
- Within 72 hours (not including weekends), you will receive suggested revision helps available in the Writer's Swag Bag.
- Papers will be reviewed in queue: first come, first served. NOTE: You are responsible for submitting papers on time to your professor even if the Queue is full and you do not receive a review before the due date.
Tag: #writethisway
Twitter: @WesleyTheoSem | Instagram: @wts.communitylife
The Writing Center:
- does not edit by revising or correcting content. However, we teach you how to self-edit using print and online academic writing tools.
- will proofread to direct you to understand the assignment, online grammar helps, and Chicago style guide for academic writing.
- is a support for your success. Your careful and timely adherence to the syllabi guarantees your success!
Writing Center faculty extends one opportunity for students to revise a paper that fails the plagiarism identification software programmed into Blackboard. We elect to regard the first and sole failure as a teachable moment. However, repeat and blatant instances of plagiarism will be reported to the Dean for disciplinary action. Besides, you don't have to plagiarize--you're too smart for that!
AI is strictly prohibited. Commit to thinking and any paper you submit will be better than the basic (and often) erroneous content generated by AI.
There are four Plagiarism Checkers and a Paraphrasing Tool in the Writer's Swag Bag to help you assess and avoid plagiarism. #justdontdoit [more]
Wesley Theological Seminary welcomes diversity and affirms all humanity. Inclusive Language Policy: Bearing in mind that language reflects, reinforces, and creates social reality, the Seminary expects class conversation and written work to employ language that respects the equal dignity and worth of all human beings. In particular, linguistic sexism and racism are to be avoided.
Additionally, I am the DEI Officer and an open to hear how to make our community a delightful experience among God's kin'ship!