Course of Study
Registration for the Wesley Course of Study 2024-2025 Winter Term is now open.
You may view the Course of Study Upcoming Course Schedule here:
Wesley Course of Study 5 Year Calendar
Below are the deadlines to register for courses:
September 1: Fall weekend
December 1: Winter weekend
February 1: Spring weekend
May 1: Summer Intensive term
Download the COS Registration Form here:
2024-2025 Summer Registration Form
2024-2025 Weekend Registration Form
Currently, all courses are fully on-line until further notice.
Announcement July 2, 2024
Course of Study 2024 Graduation Update:
The 2024 Course of Study Graduation will be held virtually on July 22, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. EST. We will post the link on facebook and on this website.
If you believe you have completed all 20 courses and are ready to graduate, please contact Yasika Bigham July 15, 2024. If you have missed the deadline to apply, we will work with you to include you for this year if at all possible.
Course of Study Registration Update:
- Registration for the Fall 2024 term will open July 11, 2024, and remain open through August 1, 2024.
- All courses are hybrid online: the first half is asynchronous, and the second half is on Zoom for one weekend in November.
Announcement April 4, 2024
- Registration for the July 2024 term is now open. All 20 courses will be offered as hybrid on-line courses with the first half asynchronous on-line and the second half on zoom for one week in July. July Registration is extended until May 1, 2024.
- If you are planning to graduate July 2024, please be in touch with Yasika Bigham
View a list of Local Pastor Registrars for the Northeast Jurisdiction
Announcement May 24, 2022
- Registration for the July 2022 term is now open. All 20 courses will be offered as hybrid on-line courses with the first half asynchronous on-line and the second half on zoom for one week in July. July Registration is now closed.
Announcement August 1, 2021
- Registration for the fall session will close September 1, 2021. Please register for course before that time.
- Wesley will hold three weekend sessions, Fall, Winter and Spring. All 20 courses will be offered over these three sessions.
Announcement March 2020
- ALL Weekend COS programs for the spring term are now on-line due to the current health emergency.
Announcements July 2019
- The Wesley July Course of Study program is currently transitioning to a hybrid format. This will take effect July 2020. You can read about the changes in this document.
- Wesley also announces the launch of a Satellite school in Syracuse New York. This location is replacing the Buffalo Extension school. Courses will be held at the UNY Conference Center in Liverpool, NY and managed by the Wesley COS Office in Washington, DC. The course schedule for the new Upper New York Satellite school can be viewed above.
Announcements July 2018
- As of July 1, 2018 Course of Study students must complete both CS 122 Theological Heritage; Introduction and CS 12 1 Bible 1: Introduction before registering for addition history courses or Bible courses.
- We have changed the July 2019 registration form back to our original form as the on-line form was confusing and causing students to register for course they did not want to need to take. Please obtain the signatures of your DS and LLP Registrar before returning to Wesley.
- The GBHEM is now asking that students obtain their PID (personal Identification number) from GBHEM when registering. You should include this on the registration form. this means you have two student ID's; one for the GBHEM to track all of your courses and one from Wesley so we can register you for classes. Please contact to obtain your PID number.
Weekend Course of Study is available to both part-time and full-time local pastors so that they may accommodate their secular job schedules. Each class takes place over two months with the first half on-line via Blackboard and the second half meeting in-person over a weekend. Wesley offers all 20 courses over the course of the academic year in the weekend program. Students should choose one course from each session as they run concurrently.
Pre-course assignments are hyperlinked to the course title below. Syllabi are added as they are received from the faculty and will be posted by February 15 for Spring Term. Questions? Please contact
2024-2025 Academic Year:
2023-2024 Academic Year
- We are no longer holding weekend courses in the summer weekend session (August/September)
- We have not scheduled any courses at the Philadelphia or New England locations for this next year
- All courses are scheduled as hybrid: 50% online and 50% (or one weekend) on zoom on a schedule weekend.
Fall 2024
October 2024 on-line and November 1-2, 2024 on Zoom
(Please click on the tile of the class for the course syllabus.)
CS121 Bible1: Introduction with Yongchi Rhie
CS322 Theological Heritage 3: Reformation with John Tyson
CS323 Congregational Care with Michael Koppel
CS423 Mission with Aaron Bouwens
CS521 Bible 5: Acts, Epistles, Revelation with Jamie Coles Burnette
CS522 Contemporary Theology with Bruce Epperly
Winter 2025
January 2025 on-line and February 21-22, 2025 on zoom
CS-122 Theological Heritage 1: Introduction with Doug Tzan
CS-123 Formation and Discipleship with Sherri Wood-Powe
CS-222 Theological Heritage: Early Church with Charles Harrell
CS-224 Administration and Polity with Tim Baer
CS-321 Bible 3: Gospels with Katherine Brown
CS-422 Theological Heritage 4: Wesleyan Movement with Phil Wingeier-Rayo
CS-523 Evangelism with Doug Powe
Spring 2025
March 2025 on-line/on zoom April 11-12, 2025
CS-124 Transformative Leadership with Aaron Bouwens
CS-221 Bible 2: Torah and Israel's History with Amy Jones
CS-223 Worship and Sacraments with Hyemin Na
CS-324 Preaching with Lori Wagner
CS-421 Bible 4: Prophets with Jonathan Lawrence
CS-424 Ethics with Gary MacDonald
CS-524 Practice of Theology with Anthony Hunt
Course of Study July 2025
2024-2025 Summer Registration Form
Program costs;
Tuition $350.00 per class
Registration fee $35.00 per class (this fee is non-refundable should students withdraw from the course)
Posted below is information regarding the July 2025 Course of Study School.
Course assignments will be linked below and updated as they are received. To download the syllabus please click to course title. You can email faculty directly with questions by clicking their name.
We will be adding syllabi as we receive them. Thank you for your patience. If you have a question - please contact the Course of Study Office via email:
Week One Morning Class
Please check the syllabus on Blackboard for June course requirements. Synchronous zoom sessions will be held July 7-11, 2025, 8am - 10:45am
CS 122 Theological Heritage 1: Introduction Doug Tzan
CS 221 Bible 2: Torah and Israel's History Amy Jones
CS 322 Theological Heritage 3: Reformation John Tyson
CS 421 Bible 4: Prophets, Psalms and Wisdom Lit Rebecca Abts Wright
CS 522 Theology in the Contemporary Church Bruce Epperly
Week One Afternoon Class
Please check the syllabus on Blackboard for June course requirements. Synchronous zoom sessions will be held July 7-11, 2025, 1:00pm - 3:45pm
CS 124 Transformational Leadership Jessica Anschutz
CS 222 Theological Heritage 2: Early Church Charles Harrell
CS 321 Bible 3: Gospels Katherine Brown
CS 424 Ethics Gary MacDonald
CS 524 Theological Reflection: Practice of Ministry Tony Hunt
Week Two Morning class;
Please check the syllabus on Blackboard for June course requirements. Synchronous zoom sessions will be held July 14-18, 2025, 8:00am - 10:45am
CS 121 Bible 1: Introduction Yongchi Rhie
CS 223 Worship and Sacraments Sarah Mount Elewononi
CS 324 Preaching David Cooke
CS 423 Mission Stacey Cole Wilson
CS 523 Evangelism Doug Powe
Week Two Afternoon class;
Please check the syllabus on Blackboard for June course requirements. Synchronous zoom sessions will be held July 14-18, 2025, 1:00pm - 3:45pm
CS 123 Formation for Discipleship Sherri Wood-Powe
CS 224 Administration and Polity Tim Baer
CS 323 Congregational Care Michael Koppel
CS 422 Theological Heritage 4: Wesleyan Movement Phil Wingeier-Rayo
CS 521 Bible 5: Acts, Epistles and Revelation Jamie Coles Burnette
click here for directions to Campus
Click here for the Howes/Larson Scholarship application (coming soon)
To register for courses select the program by clicking on the program name. Complete the form (all forms are writable pdf's - so you type directly into them, save on your computer under a NEW NAME and forward in an email to your DS and LP registrar) and obtain the signatures of your DS and Local Pastor Registrar. Return the form to Wesley either via email or mail as directed on the form.
As of the Fall 2022 Weekend session Wesley's COS Weekend program is moving to a hybrid format. The first session will be asynchronous using Blackboard and the second session will be on zoom. Please email us with specific questions.
Registration forms
Register for 2024-2025 Weekend Course of Study School:
2024-2025 Weekend Registration form
(Registration will open July 15, 2024)
All 20 courses are being offered over the academic year. Courses are offered in a hybrid format; half asynchronous on-line using Blackboard and one weekend on zoom. Please refer to the syllabus and Blackboard for specific zoom times and the link.
Print off the 5 year projected schedule here. Note: This schedule has been updated from previous versions.
Courses at the Upper New York Satellite school began in the 2019 fall term at the UNY conference center in Liverpool, NY.
Before traveling, always check the local weather stations to keep up with any possible closings. We will do our best to send out notifications when warranted. Please check Blackboard and the UNY conference center website: Program information can be found here:
- Current course schedules can be found in the drop down above. We will begin to post fall syllabi in August 2022.
- Wesley will provide a list of possible hotels for students upon receiving a completed registration form.
- Students in the UNY conference should be sure to forward the grade reporting paperwork to the Wesley COS Office to be completed. Please forward to
- Final grades are mailed to students approximately one month after the last class. Final grades are generally not available on Blackboard.
- The address for the Conference Center is: 7481 Henry Clay Blvd., Liverpool, NY 13088
- Students are on their own for all meals except Friday dinner during the one face-to-face meeting per session which the seminary will arrange at the conference center.
Questions? Please contact or
The 2025 Course of Study Graduation will be held virtually on July 17, 2025, at 7pm EST. We will post the link on Facebook and on this website.
If you believe you have completed all 20 courses and are ready to graduate, please contact Yasika Bigham If you have missed the deadline to apply, we will work with you to include you for this year if at all possible.
(Please note: 2025 Graduation COS Applications are not open at this time.)
Wesley uses Blackboard, an on-line learning tool to disseminate course information and as a platform for all on-line courses. To log on to Blackboard please view this video.
A few hints to make navigating Blackboard a little easier:
- You should always write your course work outside of blackboard using Word or a similar word processing package. Upload your papers to the blackboard course just as you would attach something to an email.
- You should log into blackboard using either Google Chrome or Firefox. Blackboard is not supported by Internet Explorer. Chrome and Firefox can be downloaded for free from the internet.
- You should always keep a back up for your work. Always!
- Proof read! Don't rely on the spelling package with your word processor. It makes mistakes! Make sure your paper says what YOU want it to say.
- If you need assistance with writing, consider enrolling in a writing course at your local community college.
Grades are not reported via Blackboard. Your professor may keep a tally of your grade on Blackboard, however the process of recording and reporting them to Nashville is a separate thing altogether. We will send out grades to students as soon as we have received them from the faculty.
Questions? Please contact
The New England Satellite School serves part-time local pastors in the New England and New York and Upper New York areas of the North East Jurisdiction. Four courses are offered each year with two offered in Bangor, Maine in the fall and two offered in New Hampshire in the spring. Other locations maybe added in the future as program need dictate.
Update 3/25/2022: Wesley Theological Seminary is not offering courses at this location for the rest of 2021 and into 2022.
Please call 202-885-8607 with any questions or concerns.
The Philadelphia Satellite School is located near West Chester, PA just outside of Philadelphia, PA. Courses are offered on the weekends with the first weekend in a Friday/Saturday format followed by two full Saturdays. To download the course information, click on the course title in purple.
Update 3/25/2022: Wesley Theological Seminary is not offering courses, other than the spring session listed below, at this location for the rest of 2021 and into 2022.
In 2015 the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry undertook a curriculum revision for the Course of Study. Below you will find document that will assist you with navigating those changes if you were already in process. Please feel free to contact the Course of Study Office at Wesley for assistance. Yasika Bigham will provide you an audit of your program upon request. 202-885-8607
Contact Yasika Bigham, Program Liaison and Assistant 202-885-8607 or Dr. Doug Tzan, Director 202-885-8602