Non-degree status is an option if you are still discerning which degree program best fits your call to ministry or if you simply want to take a couple of masters-level classes to transfer to another program of study. With very few exceptions, almost all masters courses offered at Wesley are open to non-degree students.
To be admitted as a non-degree student, you must be a graduate of a regionally accredited college and must submit a completed application form. Additionally, you must send an official transcript directly from the undergraduate college or university to the Wesley office of admissions. Non-degree students are not eligible for financial assistance or campus housing.
Non-degree students may apply for entry to the M.Div., M.A., or M.T.S. degree programs by completing the respective full application process. If recommended by the Admissions Committee for entry, you may apply a maximum of nine hours credit from your non-degree student period toward the degree. Some degree applicants may be admitted into the non-degree student status because of an incomplete application for degree status.
Additionally, students admitted to the for-credit Wesley @ Pfeiffer University deacon's education, National Capital Semester for Seminarians, or U.S. Contexts Certificate programs are classified as non-degree students and granted the same privilege to freely take courses from among Wesley's fall and spring semester, or J-Term and summer term offerings.
Finally, the non-degree Certificate in Christian Studies provides focused education for personal theological enrichment. The Certificate in Christian Studies Program has a rolling admissions/registration process.
Ready to take a class?
Non-degree students can apply online. Please click "apply" for more information.