Wesley FlexMA Student
Meet Gary Mears
Virgnia Missionary/Church Planter
After a 30-year D.C. career in IT and management consulting, Gary's call was to Virginia and a Presbyterian church start in a rural setting. The FlexMA is meeting the needs of this busy missionary, who has time for one class a semester, but thrives being surrounded by fellow students and engaging professors.
“ As a part-time student, I appreciate the flexibility of the M.A. program, As a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church USA, I am not a fully ordained minister and am not on the ordination track. As a part-time student, I can take the classes I want to take and pursue the degree at a pace that is doable for me. ”
“ It is clear that Wesley wants to work with the M.A. students to create a good learning experience..“As a result of my studies at Wesley I am a better teacher, a better preacher, and a better pastor overall. ”
Hear What Gary Has to Say about Wesley's FlexMA
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Wesley FlexMA Q&As
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FlexMA Essentials
If you are combining two calls - to a professional plus ministerial life - or preparing for a new response to God's call - the FlexMA will make it possible.

Formed for Ministry
The Wesley FlexMA fits students’ needs, whether they are preparing for ministry in congregational and institutional settings, going deeper in their own spiritual journey, or integrating faith and theology into an existing career. Through the FlexMA, lawyers, doctors, administrators, IT professionals, and others are gaining the theological knowledge and leadership skills to teach religion in church settings, preach, coordinate ministries, and more, while they continue in their other professional work lives. Other Wesley FlexMA students are gaining theological formation to enrich their non-profit or advocacy work. Still others are giving God their "third career," creating new ministries following retirement. What is your next call? See how the FlexMA can provide robust learning and formation that integrates your faith, life, and professional experience.

Wesley provides a wide range of merit-based scholarships and financial aid for the FlexMA degree, which is also eligible for federal loans. Student worker positions are also possible. Wesley wants to ensure that education costs do not stand in the way of a call to ministry.

A Partnership of Learning
Your Way, Your Time, Supportive Faculty
Wesley works in partnership with each student to build the FlexMA degree you need, in the format needed, and on the timeline that works for you. Our world-class faculty live in the real world, and will work with you to accomplish your academic goals.

Making a Dream a Reality - Take the Next Step
Give us a call, schedule a visit - in person or online, or send an email. Wesley want to help you make your dream a reality - let the FlexMA help you!
Ready to FlexMA?

(202) 885-8659
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