2024 Wesley Community Lenten Devotional
Let Love Lead the Way
Week Six

Dr. Beverly Eileen Mitchell and Diane J. Wogaman
Community ConnectionsBeverly: WTS C.C. Goen and David R. Chandler Chair, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History (Appointed to the faculty, July 1998), MTS 1993; PhD from Boston College -- Andover Newton Theological School
Diane: WTS Facility Coordinator/Receptionist (employed on staff, May 1997), MDiv 1997; Volunteer at the DeafBlind Camp of MD
Love LanguageKindness and CompassionFavorite Love QuoteLove your neighbor as yourself
The Gift of Friendship
Micah 6:8 (NRSV)
He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but
to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
od bestows gifts in life that bring much joy. One such gift is friendship. It has been said, “You can choose your friends, but you cannot choose your family,” but we believe family can be our friends, too.
As we examined our lives as adults, we became aware that many cherished friendships were not consciously chosen-- they “appeared!” Now, as we look back, we discover how dear these individuals are to us and again, we give thanks. Since its inception, Wesley Theological Seminary provides venues for kindling friendship.
Few at Wesley would be able to accurately provide a Jeopardy-type trivia “question” to the “answer”: Beverly Mitchell and Diane Wogaman. Can YOU? No? Well, here is the question for that answer: “WHO WERE FRIENDS AS WESLEY STUDENTS BUT LOST TOUCH AND 10 YEARS LATER SUDDENLY “APPEARED” AGAIN AS WESLEY EMPLOYEES?”
We originally met inside classroom KG-01, long before it was transformed into the space where Beverly teaches in now. Although in those days both of us were rather shy and rarely spoke up in class, it didn’t take long before we perceived other commonalities between us.
Life happened, and we lost touch. We met again 10 years later and still chuckle about that reunion: Beverly walked through Wesley’s front door and into the Narthex by the Front Desk. Diane, standing at the Business Office counter, turned to see who entered. “Diane?” “Beverly?” Then our screams brought employees from every office on that floor out to see if someone had been attacked!
A shared “commonality” that sparked, grew, and continues to grow is experiencing Micah 6:8 as a polestar in our individual lives and a foundational part of our interactions. Add a sense of humor to the mix and... VOILA!...a wonderful recipe for friendships that are likely to last!
Reflection: Micah 6:8 says, “What does the Lord require of you…” not, “What does the Lord suggest you do…” How does that “requirement” from God resemble the parental words, “Eat your vegetables!” and “Look both ways before crossing the street!”?

Diane's and Beverly's student photos from the Wesley Directory
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