Beverly Eileen Mitchell is a Professor of Historical Theology. Her teaching and research interests include: Systematic Theology, Church History, human dignity, genocide, global poverty, the African American struggle for justice, Holocaust studies, and the challenge of white supremacy in church and society. She serves as a consultant for churches that wish to commit to being antiracist. She is a board member of Bread for the World and the Bread for the World Institute.
Ph.D., Boston College-Andover Newton Theological School, Systematic Theology
M.T.S., Wesley Theological Seminary
B.A., Temple University, Sociology
Research Interests
The intersection between racism, antisemitism, anti-Muslim sentiment, and anti-immigration as reflections of white supremacy
The scope of human dignity and human flourishing
The African American struggle for justice: Black Abolitionism and the Modern Civil Rights Movement
Holocaust Studies
Global Poverty
Black Abolitionism: The Quest of Human Dignity
Plantations and Death Camps: Religion, Ideology, and Human Dignity
Relevant Classes Taught
Systematic Theology
Church History II
Theology and the Global Poor
Radical Discipleship
Prophetic Literature in the African American Tradition
Jesus Christ in African American Christianity
Search for a Theology of Human Rights (Genocide)